Movies Detail of El cobrador: In God We Trust (2006)
✓ Title : El cobrador: In God We Trust
✓ Release Date : September 30th, 2006
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Directors : Paul Leduc, Lucía Gajá, Celso R. García, Cris Azzi, Javier Méndez, Juan Iribas, Hiromi Kamata, Alex Moreno, Paulão Costa, Flavio Britto, Pablo Mazzeo
✓ Writers : Rubem Fonseca, Paul Leduc
✓ Companies : Salamandra Producciones, El Deseo, FIDECINE
✓ Countries : Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Spain
✓ Cast : Isela Vega, Peter Fonda, Antonella Costa, Lázaro Ramos, Malu Galli, Dolores Heredia, Maya Zapata, Gregory Dayton, Adán Llorca, Milton Gonçalves
Synopsis of El cobrador: In God We Trust (2006)
1) globalization of violence, violence of globalization? 2) serial killers, social killers? 3) a mine in brazil some murders in new york others in miami how are they connected? 4) "who's putting dynamite at the head of the century" asks tom zé -singing- at the end of the film 5) "cobrador - in god we trust" is an invitation to search the answers to these questions. "cobrador - in god we trust" is an attempt to find the answers to these questions
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Well, El cobrador: In God We Trust (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The El cobrador: In God We Trust (2006) itselft directed by Paul Leduc, Lucía Gajá, Celso R. García, Cris Azzi, Javier Méndez, Juan Iribas, Hiromi Kamata, Alex Moreno, Paulão Costa, Flavio Britto, Pablo Mazzeo and Starring by Isela Vega, Peter Fonda, Antonella Costa, Lázaro Ramos, Malu Galli, Dolores Heredia, Maya Zapata, Gregory Dayton, Adán Llorca, Milton Gonçalves which made El cobrador: In God We Trust (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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