Movies Detail of Adriana Lecouvreur (2010)
✓ Title : Adriana Lecouvreur
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 2010
✓ Genre : Music
✓ Runtime : 150 minutes
✓ Directors : David McVicar, François Roussillon
✓ Writers : Eugène Scribe, Ernest Legouvé, Arturo Colautti
✓ Company : Decca
✓ Country : United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Alessandro Corbelli, Janis Kelly, Bonaventura Bottone, David Soar, Angela Gheorghiu, Olga Borodina, Abramo Ciullo, Jonas Kaufmann, Iain Paton, Maurizio Muraro
Synopsis of Adriana Lecouvreur (2010)
Starring Angela Gheorghiu as the celebrated French actress Adriana Lecouvreur and Jonas Kaufmann as her lover Maurizio, Count of Saxony, Cilea s verismo drama explores celebrity, romance, jealousy, and death. The trio of sublime voices is completed by Russian mezzo-soprano Olga Borodina as Adriana s jealous rival, the Princess de Bouillon. David McVicar s hit production the first performance of the opera at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden for more than a century presents the life of the French actress as a blurring of the distinction between fantasy and reality. The action revolves around a life-size Baroque Theatre, taking us from the bustle and colour of the first act backstage at the playhouse, to the bare final scenes as the drama reaches its fatal climax.
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Well, Adriana Lecouvreur (2010) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Adriana Lecouvreur (2010) itselft directed by David McVicar, François Roussillon and Starring by Alessandro Corbelli, Janis Kelly, Bonaventura Bottone, David Soar, Angela Gheorghiu, Olga Borodina, Abramo Ciullo, Jonas Kaufmann, Iain Paton, Maurizio Muraro which made Adriana Lecouvreur (2010) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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