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Evil - In the Time of Heroes 2009 WEBRip x264 [YIFY]


Movies Detail of Evil - In the Time of Heroes (2009)

✓ Title : Evil - In the Time of Heroes
✓ Original Title : Το Κακό - Στην εποχή των ηρώων
✓ Release Date : October 1st, 2009
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 88 minutes
✓ Director : Yorgos Noussias
✓ Writers : Yorgos Noussias, Petros Nousias
✓ Country : Greece
✓ Cast : Yorgos Chraniotis, Dinos Avgoustidis, Ioanna Pappa, Mary Tsoni, Apostolis Totsikas, Billy Zane, Orfeas Avgoustidis, Anthony Burk

Synopsis of Evil - In the Time of Heroes (2009)

The story begins at the end of the first Kako movie. The survivors meet up with a group of other barricaded survivors and must take care of the zombies as well as other random Greeks that have taken advantage of the chaos, while shooting random moving targets (zombie or not). Throughout we take small flashback visits into ancient Greece where the zombie apocalypse has also happened and we learn how they faced them.

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Well, Evil - In the Time of Heroes (2009) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Evil - In the Time of Heroes (2009) itselft directed by Yorgos Noussias and Starring by Yorgos Chraniotis, Dinos Avgoustidis, Ioanna Pappa, Mary Tsoni, Apostolis Totsikas, Billy Zane, Orfeas Avgoustidis, Anthony Burk which made Evil - In the Time of Heroes (2009) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Evil - In the Time of Heroes (2009)

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1 Oct 2009 #Greece