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A Barque on the Ocean Película Completa en Español (2020) - Online gratis


Movies Detail of A Barque on the Ocean (2020)

✓ Title : A Barque on the Ocean
✓ Original Title : Une barque sur l'océan
✓ Release Date : August 26th, 2020
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Director : Arnold de Parscau
✓ Writer : Arnold de Parscau
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Dicky Sanjaya, Elisza Cahaya, Indy Restanto, I Gusti Made Ariadi, Dorcas Coppin, Alexis Barbosa, Marie-Reine Poyteau, Hari Santika, Rio Sidik, Colette Sodoyez

Synopsis of A Barque on the Ocean (2020)

Eka is a young Balinese living in a small village north of Bali. For love of Margaux, a French student expatriate on the island, Eka decided to learn how to compose music.

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Well, A Barque on the Ocean (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The A Barque on the Ocean (2020) itselft directed by Arnold de Parscau and Starring by Dicky Sanjaya, Elisza Cahaya, Indy Restanto, I Gusti Made Ariadi, Dorcas Coppin, Alexis Barbosa, Marie-Reine Poyteau, Hari Santika, Rio Sidik, Colette Sodoyez which made A Barque on the Ocean (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

A Barque on the Ocean (2020)

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26 Aug 2020 #France